Violin maker from Cremona


Welcome to the fascinating world of violin making in Cremona, where tradition meets innovation in the creation of timeless musical instruments.

Violins | Violas | Cellos


Marcelo Cavanna embodies the passion, craftsmanship and excellence that have made Cremona synonymous with quality violin making. His work is not only a tribute to the great legacy of the masters of the past, but also a continuous aspiration for innovation, keeping alive a tradition that has its roots in a profound respect for music and the instruments that make it possible.


“The experience of a violin maker is reflected in the perfect craftsmanship and enchanting sound of the instruments he creates.”


“The professionalism of a violin maker is manifested in the mastery with which he transforms wood and strings into instruments that tell stories and excite the soul.”


“The passion of a violin maker is reverberated in the harmony of his instruments, intertwining notes and emotions with dedication and love for the art of lutherie.”

The works of Maestro Marcelo Cavanna

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  • Get in touch and make an appointment
  • Discuss your needs
  • Order your violin, viola or cello
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How to reach the laboratory:

Largo Giacomo Pagliari, 16, 26100 Cremona CR

“Among the ancient streets of Cremona, the echo of the strings intoned by expert hands merges with the whisper of the wood, narrating the perpetual symphony of an art which, in the heart of the city, beats in unison with time itself: here , where each violin is a breath of the infinite, lutherie ascends to poetry, shaping the eternal from the transitory.”